On January 26th – February 1t Latvian Trade Union LABA organized bus rally from Riga to Brussels (4000 km roundback). 30 activists made protest in “slave” costumes near European Parliament, against the exploitation of workers from new EU countries. They issued the statement for EP President Martin Schulz: “We, members of LABA, the biggest independent Trade-union of Republic of Latvia came here in Brussels while our State is President of the Council of European Union. As a result of drastic budget cuts by the Latvian Government, led by right-wing Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, more than 200 000 people left their Homeland in search of job. In 2013 middle Latvian employees has 516 EUR „on hands” per month after taxes. It’s impossible to live normal life in this conditions, that’s why tens of thousands workers go in Western Europe”.
LABA with its protest demanded increase in the wages of the employers at 1000 euro after taxes.