The International Conference of Trade Unions of Telecommunications, IT and Call Centers concluded in militant spirit. The conference next to the exchange of experience from the struggles of the workers from countries such as Spain, Kazakhstan, Turkey, France, Austria etc, talked about the problems and the important challenges that face the militant trade unions. Issues that were highlighted were the imposition of the anti workers’ policy of the EU, Europe 2020, which is specified in Telecom through the “Digital Agenda 2020”, the attack against the right to Strike, the new forms of Strike Breaking mechanisms (eg “Digital strikebreaking”), obstacles in trade union organization, new dangers for the health of the workers due to intensification of work, and others.
The congress ended into specific action plan, initiatives and campaigns for the organization of the workers in the sector and with the formation of a Coordinating Committee by the trade union organizations PAME (Greece), Cobas (Spain), USB (Italy), DevIletism Is (Turkey), Left Bloc (Austria), AST (Spain).
In the Congress intervened on behalf of WFTU Matthieu Bolle Reddat, who underlined in his speech that for the WFTU and its affiliates, the role of an International Trade Union Organizations is to serve the interest of its members and the workers struggle. To materially and morally support the organizations of the working class in struggle against the policy of the monopolies without concessions or compromises with the capitalist class. The duty of an International Trade Union Organizations is to stregthen the solidarity between workers of all countries, to help raise the level of struggle in defence of their rights and the accomplishment of new.