Militant mobilizations and activities are organized in dozens of countries all over the world on the framework of the International Action Day for the 3rd October 2011.
While the international economic crisis is deepening and the working class worldwide is being hit mercilessly by the anti-labor attack of the bourgeoisie governments and the capitalist mechanisms of the IMF, USA, EU; While the working class is suffering from wars orchestrated by the imperialist forces and NATO with the bloodshed of thousands of people…
The call of the World Federation of Trade Unions for international coordination of the class-oriented trade union movement with common slogans and national activities is reaching every country of the five continents.
The messages that are reaching the WFTU Central Offices are a prologue of a successful International Action Day, a strong response and counterattack of the international working class.
We have already received information for the organization of Strikes, Rallies, demonstrations, mobilizations, meetings, seminars and press conferences that are being organized in different cities of the following countries: Austria, Bangladesh, Basque Country, Brazil, Catalonia, Centrafrique, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Lebanon, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Senegal, Spain, Sri Lanka, Venezuela.
Dozens of messages are arriving in the Central Offices every day.
The international working class is joining voices on the slogans: Working week of 35 hours – 7 hours a day – 5 days a week, Public Social Security for all, Collective bargaining, Trade union and democratic freedoms, Solidarity to the Palestinian People, Freedom to the Five Cuban Heroes.
The WFTU affiliates and friends are organizing:
Transport Strike in Brazil
Rallies and demonstrations in Bangladesh, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and Salvador), El Salvador, Cyprus, Pakistan (Gujrat), Spain, Puerto Rico, Panama, Guatemala, India, Brazil
Mobilizations and protests in Basque Country, Chile, Centrafrique, Dominican Republic, Finland
Workshops, seminars and meetings in Austria (against the crisis and the privatizations), Costa Rica (workshop of 200 participants), Lebanon, Panama, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Russia
You can register the action of your organization on the following e-mail: [email protected].
Send us photos and video of your activity.