On the occasion of the 2014 World Day Against Racial Discrimination, the WFTU reaffirms its stable position against all forms of racial discrimination. The WFTU, true to its internationalist principles, unites more than 86 million organized workers all over the world no matter the race, gender, religion, color of skin, age.
There’s no place for racial discrimination in the trade union movement. Racial and other forms of discrimination are generated and maintained so that the monopolies, the transnational corporations, the imperialist mechanisms and the reactionary governments safeguard their interests and maintain the class exploitation. Nazi, neo-nazi, racist organizations and ideologies are instruments of the capitalist system and enemies of the working class and the popular strata.
The workers of the world have common interests, they are class brothers. So, they should have a common front and build their class unity apart from divisions and discriminations imposed to them by the ruling forces. The strong, class – oriented struggle of the workers and the people can defeat racial discrimination, racism and xenophobia.
The WFTU and its affiliated unions in more than 120 countries will continue our everyday struggle for the workers interests, against racial discrimination, but also against the system that generates it.