18 more mineworkers were trapped underground in Karaman province of Turkey when the area was flooded with water. Reports say that this was the third time the mine was flooded indic[...]
The World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its class solidarity with the working people of Italy and its affiliated trade union center Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) ahead of t[...]
The Trade Union International (TUI) of Workers in Hotels and Tourism along with the World Federation of Trade Unions-WFTU and the Organizing Committee of WFTU affiliated trade unio[...]
PAME (All Workers Militant Front) is Trade Union Front founded in 1999, to fight against the new challenges the workers had to face, against the sickening situation that was create[...]
Only free and public healthcare systems with a focus on prevention can provide an adequate response The Ebola epidemic that has struck mainly in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea o[...]
People’s Democracy Vol. XXXVIII No. 41 By K. Hemalata, CITU INDIA THIRD October, the Foundation Day of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is observed every year as Inter[...]
On the occassion of the International Action FSOC Canaria organized with great success a workshop in the Canarias while CUO in Spain held a protest against unemployment for dignifi[...]
A scheduled meeting of the Secretariat of the WFTU was held on October 10th, 2014 at the Central Offices of the WFTU. During the meeting important topics were discussed about the p[...]
The FNLCT organized and held in the framework of the International Action Day a march to the Ministry of Labour. A document with the demands and proposals of the union for the impr[...]
Source: RMT TUBE UNION RMT confirmed 48 hours of strike action on London Underground later this month in the continuing fight against the Mayor’s onslaught on jobs, working conditi[...]